Client Testimonials

"4X the income in half the working hours with a spacious calendar!"

When I hired Nadine and Derek, I was getting dangerously close to burnout. My sales were higher than ever, but my ability to deliver was crashing. Within 7 days, they took a love-machete to my calendar, digging into the nitty gritty details to help me cut all the clutter, build efficiency into my project management schedule, and pare down my working hours from 60+ to 32 per week.

Then, we built a plan to scale my company by designing a service delivery model that gave me the grounded clarity I'd been looking for about how projects would roll out month after month, on time, and to the level of excellence I expect.

I've been working with Ascend for less than 30 days and have a clear plan to quadruple my revenue, hire up, and manage my time in a way that feels luxurious and spacious. It's like the weight of the world is lifted off my shoulders!

Julie Cabezas, Copy Crimes

“I took the most vacation time ever and had my highest revenue year in 37 years. My business is no longer running my life.”

I was overworked, worn out, and feeling I should just throw in the towel and retire. Nadine and Derek told me things could be different and saw a vision for me that I couldn’t. 

With their help, I now focus on the right things and get the right payoffs. I show up unapologetically, with more power and in more control, and I enjoy my business and team more. 

I’m not sure I’d still be in business if I kept going the way I was. With their help, my big dreams actually became my reality.

Rachelle Lee, Einblau & Associates 

“I now have the freedom to focus on a legacy project that is of paramount importance to me.”

Before finding Nadine and Derek, I was the worst team player on my team – wearing too many hats and treading water. I wanted more balance and to feel more supported by my staff. I knew that If I didn’t change anything, I’d be in the same place a year later. 

After working with Nadine and Derek, I am now a better leader of my team, set strong boundaries, confidently ask for help, empower my team to take more ownership over their work, and know how to say “no” and reclaim my time. 

Another pain point we solved was time logging. I had gotten behind and felt crippled by it. With accountability and support, we brought in a large amount of outstanding revenue and put better processes in place for the future.   

 Thank you, Nadine and Derek, for making it EASY! I’m amazed at the results we achieved in such a short time.

Gretchen Lambert, AIA, WELL AP, Studio 2LR
Member, Women Presidents Organization

“I have more freedom and spaciousness in my life than ever before. And my profits continue to increase.”

Before working with Ascend, I was putting too much energy into the wrong places, wasting too much time, and working evenings and a couple of weekends a month just to catch up. I was in the “middle zone”, working harder and harder for less and less reward. 

Now, I rarely work after hours, have more time with my family, and my profits are continuing to increase. I am a better human being, a better mother, and a better business owner. 

I have more faith, trust and acceptance for myself and who I am, the decisions I’m making and the actions I’m taking, and don’t worry about what people think. My client relationships are better and their results are bigger and better. 

I doubled my revenue, when before I was having only a 10% increase year-over-year. I’m really proud of myself! Every penny I spent on coaching with Nadine and Derek was 100% worth it.  

Jen Zagorsky, Bright HQ Organizing Co.

“I’m accomplishing my goals without burnout for the first time in my life.”

Before working with Nadine and Derek, I was doubting my ability to grow a sustainable business that doesn’t burn me out. Then I met Nadine and Derek and they helped me remodel my life and business from the ground up, in a way that works for me. 

I now have a time rhythm that keeps me rested, nurtured and prioritized. I’ve lost weight, my self-care practices are stabilizing, my life vision is clearer than ever, and I’ve quadrupled my revenue while working half the time. My entire life has transformed in the past year! 

Nadine and Derek will help you love your business again and remember why you're doing it. They focus on your WHOLE LIFE, not just your business. They are ascend leadership coaches, for entrepreneurs who want extraordinary lives, radiant health and financial abundance.

Joni Tabbiner, J. Tabbiner Consulting

“I took control of my time, got my passion back, and grew my company by 83% in one year.”

Before working with Nadine and Derek, I was up worrying in the middle of the night and the practices that used to help were no longer working. It was taking a toll on me and my family.

I used to be excited about my work and for what the future held. I knew that something HAD to change and I couldn’t continue as I was. I didn’t know how to fix it and knew I needed someone to help me get there.

Nadine and Derek helped me see that it was ME on the backburner and I was sacrificing my own health. I was not living in alignment with my core values, which caused conflict and pressure in me. 

After working together, the stuck feeling is now gone. My family life and team leadership have shifted significantly for the better. I now have control over my time, what I prioritize and where I put my focus.

At first I worried I was putting more on my plate and was already overworked, but the process was seamless and I was excited to do the work. I felt the value right away and definitely got the return on my investment. 

The changes were both significant and fast. Coaching with Nadine and Derek will benefit me, my family and my business every day going forward, for years to come.

Katie Phillips, Tricon Solutions Inc.
Member, Women Presidents Organization

“I doubled my revenue with more ease, spaciousness and joy.”

Before working with Nadine and Derek, I was overloading myself with too much work and feeling overwhelmed. I was on my computer and phone way more often than I wanted to be.

I wanted a better rhythm in my work, more free time to focus on relationships and play, more time in nature, and clearer boundaries around my time. I wanted to generate more revenue with more ease and less work, and hand off more projects to my team. 

I got all of that and more. It was a dream to be coached by Nadine and Derek. I doubled my revenue with more ease, spaciousness and joy. My client relationships are stronger than ever and client results are off the charts. 

The impact of cultivating this skill set has completely shifted my business and life. The positive ripple effect of working with Nadine and Derek gives me joy and awe.

Alice Hong,

I am now moving forward in a way that is BOTH personally and professionally satisfying.”

I was feeling burned out, trying to juggle all of life’s demands. I knew there had to be a better way. My financial advisor recommended Nadine and Derek, and in our first conversation, I knew they walked their talk. 

They helped me achieve absolute clarity and certainty about what matters most in my life. We identified my genius – what I’m best at, what lights me up, and where my time is valued the highest – and remodeled my services to deliver only that. 

They showed me how to shape and manage my business to stay in alignment with my values, my priorities and my genius. I am now moving forward in a way that is BOTH personally and professionally satisfying. 

Nadine and Derek are successful examples of business with breathing room.

Danielle Demers, Danielle Demers Consulting

“I was starting to feel my life was all about my business.”

As an entrepreneur for over a decade, I was starting to feel my life was all about my business. I was happy with the work I was doing, but still feeling like I wasn't where I wanted to be.

I knew there was an "elevated me" out there that I wanted to become. I had ideas and dreams that I didn't have time to get to because I was always doing my core work. 

I received soooooo much from Nadine and Derek. Everything from strategy to ideas to encouragement to pushing edges to time management to confidence to questioning to .... the list goes on and on. My spirit was completely rejuvenated. I said goodbye to stories in my head that were not letting me move forward. 

Nadine and Derek are an amazing team together. They support you, encourage you, gently call you out on your B.S. and get your mind shifting in ways you haven't let it before. 

They ask meaningful questions, give you space, let you reflect and never judge. I know they are part of my united team and are, no joke, always there for me. I whole-heartedly recommend them to be part of your team as well.

Janet Pliskza, Visual Hues Photography

“If you want FREEDOM, this is it. I’m working less, my revenue has doubled, and I enjoy my business SO much more!” 

Before meeting Nadine and Derek, I was constantly overworking and over-delivering, feeling exhausted and resentful. I had an armor around me that made it impossible to truly be myself, connect with others, and own my value. I didn't want to stay in the same place any longer. 

Nadine and Derek helped me claim my value and create boundaries, see the truth of who I am, and what I value. They helped me see how much more was possible when I acted from a place of unwavering self-trust. 

They helped me shatter the armor and see just how amazing business can be when I show up heart-first, human, and willing to be vulnerable.

I now have SO much more ease and enjoyment in my business. I’m better at leading and serving my clients because I have my own conditioning out of the way and can truly show up for them. I’m more myself now than I’ve ever been before.

If you want to grow and expand without losing out on the enjoyment and love of what you do, I don't know anybody who can help with that like Nadine and Derek. 

If you want FREEDOM, this is it. My revenue doubled, I’m working less, and enjoy it SO much more!

They will show you how to feel at ease and joyful while you realize your dreams in life and grow your business. They will show you a much better way without having to compromise on your impact, your integrity, or your wellbeing — especially your wellbeing.

They have a contagious air of self-leadership and integrity that makes it impossible NOT to rise up and begin changing immediately in their presence. 

They see you so clearly that it makes it easy to become more of the person you are meant to be. I’ve never been championed like this before. Things have never felt so possible before.

Lisa Haggis, Realize Your Brand

“Nadine and Derek are my trusted allies and advisors, on my team to take my vision forward with me. They make me stronger.”

I had the holy trinity of stresses upon me and needed support. As I got bigger in business, my inner critic got bigger too. The anxiety was often debilitating. I was living my life through my business and putting my personal life on hold.

With Nadine and Derek, I was able to relax and genuinely feel trust. In their expertise. In their professionalism. In their hearts. Trust that they’ve got me. Their energy is clean and clear. Rock solid integrity.

They helped me take a stand for my personal life, my dreams, my deepest desires. They connected my brain to my heart and showed me how to make solid, confident business decisions aligned with my truest values. 

I no longer feel anxiety or worry. I am calmer and more grounded. I wake up and think, ‘Yay, it's morning. I love my life!’ Wow. It’s crazy. I have this level of gratitude, peace and joy because I got aligned with what matters most to me. 

Kirei Yasunori, Evolved Strength

“No longer feel the constant pressure of needing to be further ahead.”

I was in constant turmoil and what I ‘should’ be doing vs. what I wanted to be doing. Ascend helped me hone in on what I want for myself and dream big. They held me accountable for my actions and did not ever let me fall if I was having a tough day or week.

Nadine embodies everything she preaches and practices, and those who get to experience this first hand, know she lives her truth. A lover of Nature, a wise warrior, and a protective Mama Bear, Nadine is here to share her insights and inspire you to ascend toward your greatest achievements. 

I now give myself permission to be in the present moment and no longer feel the constant pressure of being further ahead that I think I’m supposed to be. I will be forever grateful for our work together.

Alana Humphreys, Alana Humphreys Interior Design

“They will 110% have your back.”

Nadine and Derek are a beautiful blend. Nadine is like Mother Earth and makes it safe to deeply care for yourself. She gets to the heart of the matter and supports you in and through the unknown to new possibilities. I love Derek’s analytical mind. He is supportive, safe, clarifying, and draws out your wisdom and knowing.

Nadine and Derek help you level up your business so that you are more present in every moment of your life. You free up time and space while still getting what needs doing done. You have enough structure to see the big picture and enough space to move in flow with what arises.

I was surprised at how good support feels. How, with Derek and Nadine, nothing's off limits and it doesn't matter how many times you need to come around to something. It's absolutely okay where you are. You don't find that kind of unconditional-ness very often in this world.

They are unmatched in their ability to really see the heart of who they work with. They will see through the conditioning and draw out the inspiration that’s already in you.

Dawn Ross, Bit by Bit Bodyworks

“Nadine has a ZERO gap in what she SAYS and what she DOES.”

Nadine lovingly but firmly holds you to achieve your highest truth by illuminating what's holding you back. She empowers you to make the choices that will finally create the life you desire. She is like a warrior riding with you on your inner and outer journey, who will slice through any crap in your way - internal or external, and expose only your highest potential and truth.

Before hiring her, I wanted to work less, have a balanced life and generate wealth. Nadine helped me see my blind spots and limiting beliefs, clarify my heart’s desire, and prioritize action steps on the path to get there. She helped me make huge progress towards where I had been aiming for so long.

Nadine is one of the few people I have ever known who has ZERO gap in what she says and what she DOES. Whether it is her dreaming big about her vision and goals for her personal and professional life or the care, deep insight, consistency and trust that she builds with each client she works with, Nadine really stands out as truly great. 

Vail Dixon, Simple Soil Solutions

“Nadine and Derek were the right step at the right time.”

I was starting to wonder if there was a life beyond work. I knew another way was possible but was raised that “working hard” was the way to earn money. Overloaded, stressed and burned out, I often got headaches, felt run down and tired, and got sick easily. I didn’t have a ton of free time and certainly not much time to devote to relationships. 

Now, there is less guilt about “getting things done” and more trust allowing them to get done in the right timing. I no longer need to push, fight and “work hard” to survive. Everything isn’t “perfect” and I am surprisingly okay with that.

Nadine is a powerhouse and inspiring leader. She sees the unique gifts in people and brings them out. Derek’s gifts are simplifying, brainstorming and asking questions to get deeper. They both make people feel held and cared for in a safe space. I trust them. They have my back and truly care.

Kristie Norquay, Golden Lotus Yoga

“I came back home to myself, learned to slow down time, and found my truth. Nadine and Derek were my home base.”

I had spent a lot of time, money, and energy trying to monetize my business. I was super stressed and desperately needed someone to help me figure this stuff out! I know now that everything that I was trying to do was out of alignment with “me.”

There's so much I’m grateful for. The big one was learning to listen to my gut and trust my intuition. I had always struggled with self-doubt, and they really brought me home to myself. I trust myself more. She has a gift for pulling the truth right out of you.

Robin McIntire, Training with Passion

“Nadine and Derek are the masters of time and money.”

They have incredible business skills and are knowledgeable about how to own your business fully. I see them as business partners, not coaches. They stand for my success. What they do is unlike any other coaches I’ve known and I’ve known some outrageously good coaches! I know no one with as much time, money and power/contribution.

Nadine and Derek don’t step over anything! I got my heart and soul on a whole other level! Total clarity about my value, worth and confidence that I can make it happen. I got my life back from working with them.

Sarah Laughton, Stretch Solutions

Ascend Leadership Co. is a premier leadership coaching company dedicated to helping high-performing, high-earning entrepreneurs and founders to become more powerful, productive, and present leaders of their business and life.

Using their signature Five Forces of Ascended Leadership, Nadine and Derek Nicholson help clients break free from the Middle Zone of time stress, guilt, and overworking, so they can drive business growth and create a deeply rewarding life at the same time, without sacrificing one for the other. They live in radical integrity with what matters and prime themselves for their best decade yet. Not someday, NOW.

Want to learn more? Let’s start with a 30-minute call to identify your biggest time leaks, and together we’ll map out an elevated vision for your next year, beyond what you thought possible.